Monday 22 July 2013

GS Typing Tutor

GS Typing Tutor is a powerful and feature-rich typing tutor for touch typing. With comprehensive typing lessons, it is an ideal a teaching tool for learning to type and developing typing speed. It is geared towards kids to adult.

Ultimate Typing

The most important thing to know about Ultimate Typing is that it really works. That’s because it was created by the world’s foremost typing experts. It’s the only program that’s scientifically designed to make learning to type fast and easy. We spent over 6 years of research in typing, motor learning, and computer science. The result? It’s now easy to type fast, get that dream job, and save your valuable time.

Typing Instructor Platinum

Looking for a quality online program to learn to type or to improve your keyboarding skills? TypingInstructorWeb is a high quality program that is both educational and entertaining. Choose from over 20 Typing Courses for typists of all ages and skill levels, based on Typing Instructor, an award-winning typing program for 28 years, and recipient of the Top Ten Reviews Gold Award for its Kids and Platinum Typing Software.

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Mavis Beacon Teaches Typing Platinum

Maximize your typing speed and overall productivity with Mavis Beacon Teaches Typing Platinum 25th Anniversary Edition! The Mavis Beacon System includes learning tools and features guaranteed to improve typing skills in just 2 weeks!

Typing Instructor Deluxe

Typing Instructor Deluxe is the ultimate typing teacher for all ages, from children to adults. It makes learning to type fun on an exciting world-wide adventure, combining powerful typing instruction, selectable travel themes, and ten action-packed multi-level games that keep you entertained while you improve your typing speed and accuracy.

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All the Right Type

All the award winning features of the original program are now available online to you for anywhere, anytime access. From school or from home you can continue your lesson where you left off to improve your typing skills and save valuable time. Our no nonsense approach and learning methodology allow you to learn how to touch type in the most effective way. All the Right Type was design especially for school use; therefore, has features that teachers need in schools and districts. 

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Typing Instructor for Business

By combining effective instructional techniques with easy-to-use menus, you'll learn touch typing quickly and easily. Typing Instructor for Business also adds fun and challenge to the process of learning to type with timed tests, four exciting typing games, and interesting articles for practice.

Mavis Beacon Teaches Typing Deluxe

Maximize your productivity with Mavis Beacon Teaches Typing Deluxe 20. Whether you want to learn essential keyboarding skills or improve overall typing efficiency - success is at your fingertips! This comprehensive instructional system combines detailed assessments, dynamic personal instruction and skill-building games to guarantee typing improvements in just 2 weeks!

In addition to Mavis Beacon's personal typing instruction, detailed progress reports assist in identifying strengths and weaknesses. Powerful learning tools along with this detailed reporting will help typists learn and excel at their own pace. Hard work is rewarded with "recess time" and certificates of completion. Cool tools such as "import your own MP3 files" and fun arcade-style games enrich the learning experience.

Redesigned with advanced technology and updated with even more features - Mavis Beacon Teaches Typing Deluxe 20 offers typists of all skill levels and ages a brand new typing experience with greater benefits and increased efficiency!

Naruto - Animated Dancing Akatsuki Tobi